Download and print a Voter Registration Application, complete it and mail it to the address on the form. Be sure to fill it out COMPLETELY, check the boxes in the OATH section, and sign/date it. Be sure to read the instructions on page 2 to ensure you have filled out the form correctly. ITEM 2. Birth Date ... surprisingly, some people absent-mindedly put the CURRENT year in this field. That will invalidate your application. See below for more ways to register to vote IN PERSON.
Oklahomans who are already registered to vote may update their registration information online. Information which may be updated includes the voter's address of residence (if it is in the same county as their previous address), mailing address and party affiliation. Voters who are not currently registered to vote, those needing to change their name or change an address to a different county may submit those changes by filling out and returning a paper form available for download here.
To request an absentee ballot be mailed to you, click here and APPLY ONLINE!
You will receive your ballot in the mail well ahead of election day. In the packet will be your ballot(s), instructions, and TWO envelope: one in which you will seal your completed ballot, complete the form on the outside, and then IN FRONT OF A NOTARY PUBLIC, sign the affidavit envelope. (Be sure you do NOT sign it until you are in the presence of a notary public. Then place the signed/notarized envelope into the 2nd one, apply ONE stamp (one is all you need!), and drop it in the mail!
Special Conditions: Although any voter can vote an absentee ballot without giving a reason, the law still contains some "excuses" for voting absentee. (Voters with physical incapacity, caregivers, residents of nursing homes or veterans centers, etc.) Some voters benefit by using one of those excuses when they apply for absentee ballots. These excuses activate special conditions that make absentee voting even easier. You will still receive your ballot in the mail (sent to the address you specify), but you will NOT be required to have it notarized by a notary public. You will simply need TWO WITNESSES when you sign your envelope. There are a few other differences, which can be found at this link.
Ahead of any election, you can opt to vote early.
“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves, and the only way they could do this is by not voting.”
Confirm your voter registration
Find your polling place
View sample ballots for upcoming elections
Track your Absentee Ballot if you have requested one
If you are NOT registered to vote in Cleveland County, or if you have moved and need to re-register, you can remedy that situation a number of ways:
Visit the Cleveland County Election Board
641 East Robinson, Suite 200, Norman, OK
Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm
The Election Board employees will check over your application for any possible errors or omissions that might invalidate your application.
Visit the Cleveland County Democratic Party Headquarters
300 W. Gray, Norman, OK - Check hours on the front-page of the website.
The experienced volunteers at CCDP will also check over your application to be sure it's filled out correctly and will turn it in to the Election Board.
Download and print a Voter Registration Application, complete it and mail it to the address on the form. Be sure to fill it out COMPLETELY, check the boxes in the OATH section, and sign/date it. Be sure to read the instructions on page 2 to ensure you have filled out the form correctly. ITEM 2. Birth Date ... surprisingly, some people absent-mindedly put the CURRENT year in this field. That will invalidate your application.
Pick up a form at any post office, tag agency, library and many other public locations. You will be offered a voter registration application when you get your driver's license and when you apply for assistance at some government agencies. If you pick up a form from a TAG AGENCY, you must return it to that TAG AGENCY (it will be stamped with the name/address).
More details can be found at the Cleveland County Election Board web site.
“You’ve got to vote, vote, vote vote. That’s it; that’s the way we move forward. That’s how we make progress for ourselves and for our country.”
If you will become 18 during the 60 days before an election, you may apply for voter registration between 25 and 60 days before the election. Specific dates for these registration windows for the remaining 2018 elections are below.
You may register at any time, but voter ID cards cannot be issued during the 24 days prior to an election. Keep your eyes on our web page and newsletter for Voter Registration Deadlines for each scheduled election.
After you have submitted your registration application, check the State of Oklahoma Online Voter Portal. Your verified registration should appear within a week or two. If it does NOT, contact the Cleveland County Election Board at 405-366-0210.
“The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.”