2025 Precinct Meetings
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Click Here to Register before March 13th at 5pm.

Every odd numbered year, counties across Oklahoma hold PRECINCT MEETINGS to select new precinct leaders to organize Democratic Party activities in our county and state.

The PRIMARY OBJECTIVE is to select the new set of precinct officers. The 3 leaders of each precinct are also voting delegates at the County Convention-Business Meeting planned for April 5 at 10am in Norman.

Precinct Meetings will be held at two locations.  

  • Precincts 140100-140218 and 140344-140345 (north of Franklin Road) will meet at the
    Moore Public Library, 225 S Howard Ave. Moore, OK at 10 am on March 15.

  • Precincts 140300-343 and 140346-406 (south of Franklin Road) will meet at
    Noble Public Library, 204 N Fifth St. Noble, Oklahoma at 2:30 pm on March 15.

Precinct Meetings are called to select Precinct leaders who are then charged with organizing and coordinating action at the community level. There are one hundred five (105) precincts throughout Cleveland County. To be eligible to vote or serve as a Precinct Officer attendees must be registered Democrats.

After announcements and instructions have been made, each precinct will meet in small groups. In an effort to plan for seating we request EVERYONE who plans to attend the 2025 Precinct Meetings to complete the link below, providing all the information requested.

Link to Precinct Meeting Registration

IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND the meetings on Saturday March 15 for any reason you can still be considered for a precinct officer position. Please complete the Registration Form to serve as notification that you are willing to be be a precinct officer. Those who ARE in attendance will be provided your name and desire to be considered.

Link to Precinct Meeting Registration

If you have difficulty accessing the registration form, please contact us at info@ccdemsok.com.

Not sure of your precinct? CLICK THIS LINK and search for your voter registration information using the Online Voter Tool from the Oklahoma State Election Board.

Not sure of your precinct? CLICK THIS LINK and search for your voter registration information using the Online Voter Tool from the Oklahoma State Election Board.