All those who were selected Chair, Vice Chair or Secretary at the March Precinct Meetings are VOTING DELEGATES to the County Convention along with a handful of others who are delegates based on the Oklahoma Democratic Party Constitution. All of these individuals will receive a “Call to Convention” via email.
The date range of this meeting is mandated by the State Party Constitution.
At this convention, we will elect County leadership (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and two Affirmative Action Officers of different gender) as well as electing delegates to the District and STATE convention. The delegates elected to the State Convention will be our county’s voice in state party business. These delegates are elected to a two-year (2) term.
PROXY FORM - If you are UNABLE TO ATTEND, you may choose to send someone in your place by completing a PROXY FORM and having it WITNESSED by TWO (2) NON-RELATED ADULTS*. The person who carries your proxy must (1) be of the same gender and (2) must be a registered Democrat in the same precinct. This person may be another voting delegate or someone else, just so long as they meet those criteria.
*Note that proxies no longer require a notary! In 2017, the State Convention passed a change to the bylaws stating that the delegate’s signature need only be witnessed by two non-related adults.
2023 CCDP County Convention report and documents
Chair - Ben Alpers
Chair -
Chair -Carroll Asseo
Chair - Jayme Shelton